ts735bSTUDENT10pinz! | Poetry Vibe
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What Gets My Goat - By Noah Kidding



Views: 141

Though I shy away from drink,
an unexpected case
of DT's finds this ace
of spades (also known as the spadille)
bleating heart liberal,

airing how disgrace
full the Tommyknocker of zee prez
doth aspire with
Desperation toward efface
sing outspoken, knowledgeable,

intelligent, et cetera grace
full Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, sans
The Shining eyes of dragon light,
and self deluded Dreamcatcher
importance bulwark brace

sing, bullying, and spewing
pot shot vitriol toward
said neophyte lace

sing his blather with
spongy bobbing parrot head

of his papa, who hoop fully gets
ousted by Democratic
candidate from place

de resistance on pedestal,
he haughtily perches touting

himself as superior race,
aye pray to dog his trace

as human wrecking ball
expunged and reprehensible
brewed den mean ways vanishes

upon election day
November 3rd, 2020,

and his ilk (henchmen
one and all) in vase
sieve like Kudzu, or

other aggressive choke
king courtesy intolerable, inhospitable,
and ineradicable testy,
pesky, and grumpy folk

especially one bearded
Dudley Doright dressed dude
with gray flecks poke

king the brown grizzle
blindingly shimmering from

"FAKE" filal smoke

and mirrors Junior Firestarter
slicked back hair doo evokes a joke

lame Kujo, albeit
cheap tricks up pa's city
faux Taj Mahal sleeve!


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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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