Diamonddapoet | Poetry Vibe
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day dreamin



Views: 89

: Day dreaming :



Mr. will smith,… holla, holla, holla;

I remember those days of watching you on fresh prince;

Be bopping, hip hopping, all around;

Banging that drum while Ashley smiled;

Uncle phil saying,… willll;

And you always getting grilled;

Jazz getting the 3rd degree;

And the very best episode with B.B.D;

Your all grown up now;

And the way people change,… wow;

Those muscles in my poster make me scream woman down;

If I ever got the chance;… boy,… you don’t know what I’d do to you;

Or where I’d start first and with that I say true to you;

Day dreams of the light skinned brother with the girls;

Boy please,… never mind,… I’d probably rock yo world!


Diamond da poet

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Looks like you just did! One. Peace and Love.

Diamonddapoet says:

thank u

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