mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 783000
contest winner 8
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Total poems - 365 days   305

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Views: 190


Being the seeds of the seeds

Of the fruits of your beginnings,

Yours is the destiny to ensure reality

To the visions of dreams deemed deferred:-


(There is much for you to pursue and do)


Listen, chickens have their coops;

You, our beloved, are eaglets:

Heirs of daughters of the moon

And sons of the shining sun!


(There is much for you to pursue and do)


Focus your revealing eyes;

Spread your wings wide;

Feather well your nest;

Soar in great glory!


(There is much for you to pursue and do)

The All Seeing Eye is upon you;

The Pyramids stand before you;

Flowing waves are behind you;

Liberating shores awaiting you:-


(There is much for you to pursue and do)


Never forget who and whose you are;

Be always mindful of what you must be:

The fertilizing Love, Peace, and Unity,

Of the attainment of our complete unity:-


(There is much for you to pursue and do)




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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks. Let's keep them on task. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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