Imagination_733 | Poetry Vibe
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Bad intentions



Views: 88

We might have shared the same bed

Found more than one way to connect 

Knowing me

I would have taken a bullet, even bled

Loved you first like a best friend

Gave you a place to rest your head

That was then 

Seasons come and go for a reason

Don’t come around now

With eyes deceiving 

Looking to divide what I built 

My life has meaning 

I see you in the shadows 

Lurking like a demon 

Following my footsteps 

Trying to read my energy  

I’m done fishing for 


I left you in the past 

Under a mountain of 

Pain and ash 

Your entitlement 

Hard to grasp

Once mine 

Is not the same 

As forever 

Don’t get it twisted 

You are not 

That special


Dez Sevena  


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Tell em Dez!

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