WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 172900
contest winner 5
contest winner
The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Books Written By Poet

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The tale of ‘Wagging the dog’



Views: 110

In an alternate universe 

Dogs keep people as pets 

Cats are merely pests...

We bark, they talk, it’s really a mess!

Some have compassion, and keep us inside

Others are cruel, and chain us up outside

Some take us for granted, as soon as we get old

Neuter and spay us, breaking our mold 

Never take us for walks, or buy us treats

But we still greet them at the door, and pant at their feet…

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A "hounding" allegorical message. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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