Coalhouse | Poetry Vibe
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Humble appreciation for the love shown to me... Writers must write!

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  4 star general
Total poems   280
Lifetime Views   82908
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Total poems - 30 days   2
Total poems - 90 days   7
Total poems - 365 days   30

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Views: 100

Oh say can you see

Can you see me

I am the invisible man

You see through me

Apparently living transparently

A see through soul

Glass menagerie a fragile window to the world

See me smile

See me cry

See me love

Can you see me

Or see through me

An intimate paradox 

Our mind takes the picture

Fist fighting to stay in focus

See me live

See me struggle

See me die

Can you see me

Or see through me

Seek second sight

Beyond reckless eyeballin'

See past your neon notions

See past night blindness 

Forced to walk the world with a red tipped cane

Seeking salvation in blue eyed blessings

Can you see

Can you be seen

I see you

Can you see me..

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

As is evident in this penned write, Coalhouse is a windowpane of much needed awareness reflecting and revealing inside and outside enlightening away blind ignorance! I see you, Bro! ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

love_supreme says:

Very nice!

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