Your bittersweet lips
taste like dark chocolate
it lingered on my breath
and on my person
just the thought
made me sweat
Victoria's secrets
silver pantied dreams
pushed up bras
blue jeans
and Maybeline
as melted ice cream
finds its naughty way
My soul sees you ~
I feel you . .
you make me want to
make love to
every wet dream
I’ve ever had
But I remember
being told
loving yourself like that
could make you blind
but I don’t mind
reading braille
I've lost my mind
g i v e i t b a c k . !
Are you gonna use me
as a stepping stone
because you can . ?
am I
just another one
t h e w h i p p i n g b o y
you turn into a man
at your discretion . ?
I've got no expectations
I’m easy like that
as a matter of fact
I like it
is it sick if I like it . ?
I'm allergic to . .
but I love eating
black cherries
the darker the cherry
jamun's ambrosia
meanders down my face to kiss my mouth
I grow cold
my temperature rise
in the darkness
of your smile
will you save me . ?
if I slip
if I fall
w i l l y o u c a t c h m e
will you call
my name out loud
as you scream
your favourite
i n s t r u c t i o n s . !
© mingoáo - ? - The Writings of Mingoáo Inc. is the exclusive agent, publisher-distributor of the Writings, Designs and Ideas of Mingoáo. No part nor whole of the Work exhibited herein may be copied, transcribed, reproduced, performed, nor, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, not by carrier pigeon, pony express, smoke signal, slingshot, sled dog, not even by alien spacecraft, nor stored by any information storage and/or retrieval system, past, present or future, nor translated, without the expressed written consent of the Owner. ~ By displaying, exhibiting, publishing or presenting this work Privately or Publicly, the Owner in no way percieved or believed , relinquishes his rights to the work partially or entirely - Not to be Copied, Altered, Forwarded, Distributed, Shared, Nor Transferred