Colette | Poetry Vibe
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The Not so Great Debate



Views: 167

We had a debate where the candidate
Was supposed to communicate
The direction in which the united state
Yes, state how we can become back united
Yet however, more lies than truth were cited
Remove the blindfold so you can see
All that is hidden under the oval tree
There were lies told with little truth to unfold
Low and behold, they both awkward and old

But how can we relate
When the great grandfathers are not so great
Trying to tear each other down when both have flaws
Yes we definitely need changes, time to change these laws
Will an age limit make a difference in the performance, I guess 
But right now we are dealing with one big, hot mess

The country is doomed, or so I assume
But what are we to do when our only choices are these two
It’s like the blind leading the blind
When the ages combined together is one hundred fifty nine

Oh what a truffle, this country we ruffle
Sounded like an old bickering married couple
Doesn't say a lot if this all we got

It’s like we have to decide who we gon marry
Cause on their back, this country they carry
Because when we vote, we are saying, “I do”
Meaning, you do believe in your choice
Yet by not voting, are you silencing your voice?

Dear God,
We have a problem!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

One consideration and others will come, is to consider the VP's possible role in a choice of the lesser evil getting the vote; and then, we could proceed from there. I will soon post this, and you can explain the lesson. At present, I and NI are dealing with AI trying to block me from posting and from responding to any emails from PoetryVibe. Yet, as you can see, at 82, I am working on it. Great to hear from you. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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