Mingoao | Poetry Vibe
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Home Alone



Views: 55

Tonight is just a night
like any other night

                       except . .

    I’m a man home alone
    and I got to get me some
but there ain’t none to be had
  all I want is just a little freak
          to tell me spank that ass

I tried to make that call
but there ain’t no one at home

    I think they got caller ID
    and wouldn’t pick up the phone

    I’m thinking kinky stuff
            nasty freaky  s h i t
        honey flavoured lips
        and creamy covered tits
        erotic whiffs of heaven
                  between two legs

I’m thinking wet and nasty
like a busted water main
on Delancey

    I want to get off
    on the steps of Gracie Mansion
                    under threat of arrest

    I want to get off
    on the downtown A train
    in the middle of rush hour
        and the only thing obvious
        is the smile on my face
        and the noisy intercom

           “Next stop West 4th . .
        Be careful as you get off”

                And I’m thinking

                  Ooooooooh  . . !

  and the games we could play

                       with balls
                      and beads
            oils and creams
           and little machines
           that make you go
           hump in the night                      

                                                                N o w  .  .  !                  

If only
I could get you to bungee jump
              off the Brooklyn Bridge

              but with the rope
              tied to your waist
              right onto my face
                       so I can taste
        a little bit of Brooklyn

                         Y e a  .  !

                  I like flavours
                       like that

           Chocolate Mocha Funk    .   !


© mingoáo - ? - The Writings of Mingoáo Inc. is the exclusive agent, publisher-distributor of the Writings, Designs and Ideas of Mingoáo. No part nor whole of the Work exhibited herein may be copied, transcribed, reproduced, performed, nor, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, not by carrier pigeon, pony express, smoke signal, slingshot, sled dog, not even by alien spacecraft, nor stored by any information storage and/or retrieval system, past, present or future, nor translated, without the expressed written consent of the Owner. ~ By displaying, exhibiting, publishing or presenting this work Privately or Publicly, the Owner in no way percieved or believed , relinquishes his rights to the work partially or entirely -  Not to be Copied, Altered, Forwarded, Distributed, Shared, Nor Transferred

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Home Alone; gotta be mocha hard waiting on that taste! ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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