Mingoao | Poetry Vibe
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Orgasmic Butterfly



Views: 61

I’m gonna rattle cages
f u c k  stuff up in stages

    watch in glee
    as convention becomes

I’m here to say
that which ya subscribe to
                               ain’t so 

    I’m here to tell y'all
    that which ya know

    ain’t nuttin mo    
                    than  .  .

    M I N D F U C K  .  !

someone been  d i c k i n g  around
in your head

                     and caught you
 with ya mouth open instead

    do ya really believe
    that anyone gives a damn
                           what ya eat
    or even
    If ya like the taste of meat

        men in women’s clothes
        that ain’t nuttin new  .  !

        as men invented wigs
        silk panties and cosmetics                            painted faces and lipstick
                  and earrings

      so radical were they

                 they wore them
       through their  d i c k s                     

                         pointy shoes

                                  pumps                                                     high heels                                         
                and  a s s  tattoos

                and wild hairdos

 when perfume paint and posies
                   were just fragrances
                     to mask the plague

                  men set the stage for
                            and everything

                 women wished to do
                 or be          
I’ve known many women
                     who wished

              they can explore
              their sexuality

             and eat  d i c k
     until sick or satiated
    whichever came first
 not that they
 would tell you this

but they will masturbate
                      that bit of flesh
                  that lies exposed
     into a  d i l d o e d  frenzy

     that bit of flesh
     that doesn’t lie

              t h a t . . !
   Orgasmic Butterfly

                               enjoying  .  .

   all the imagined desires
                                of self

   and every other thing else
           that can be imagined                                                    or conjured


            they wished
            that they could hump
                               the Gods

                        if only

            it was permissible  ,  !
© mingoáo - ? - The Writings of Mingoáo Inc. is the exclusive agent, publisher-distributor of the Writings, Designs and Ideas of Mingoáo. No part nor whole of the Work exhibited herein may be copied, transcribed, reproduced, performed, nor, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, not by carrier pigeon, pony express, smoke signal, slingshot, sled dog, not even by alien spacecraft, nor stored by any information storage and/or retrieval system, past, present or future, nor translated, without the expressed written consent of the Owner. ~ By displaying, exhibiting, publishing or presenting this work Privately or Publicly, the Owner in no way percieved or believed , relinquishes his rights to the work partially or entirely -  Not to be Copied, Altered, Forwarded, Distributed, Shared, Nor Transferred 

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Cocooning is over with and the butterflies are soaring and coming! ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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