Ms.PoeticPassion | Poetry Vibe
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Help!!!!!! I feel like I'm losing my mind. So much is happening. I feel like I can't breathe. My heart is numb... Put on ice-COLDHEARTED@ Love don't live here anymore! I'm ready to escape. I pray and I pray. I ask for signs and I know he has sent plenty. I just keep putting everything to another day. Another time. I must listen! I sit in silence trying my best to LISTEN. I'm so lost....I'm so lost. I'm not sure if what I'm writing is making sense! I just WANT ME BACK! I want to write of happy thoughts that make you smile. Pray for me. Heal Elevate Love Pray

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mrmelody7 says:

Love dont live hear anymore A Rolls Royce classic Find you a nice park a walkin trail nature is amazin at slowin you down listening the sounds of nature see the butterflys hear the birds then go home put on Earth wind and fire song Mighty Mighty U have the right passion for life

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mlowe5 says:

Sometimes, we just need to take a breath and just feel the healing enabling us to pen what we are feeling. Lifting you up in healing prayer as has so often been done for me. To God Be The Glory. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

Ms.PoeticPassion says:

Thanks mrmedlody7 nature is really amazing. I find peace and at times disruption finds me when I'm hiding in my safe spot mentally within my mind. The place where I know nobody can enter. Only me! I sometimes wonder how does it know my every move? It's just life. I just be having my moments. Moments that only I can control. You feel me? Thanks for reading and responding. Much Love

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Ms.PoeticPassion says:

Thanks Mlowe5 Prayer does heal! I really do appreciate that. Yes, the pen and paper is my best friend! I can write my feelings down on each line, knowing that paper will never tell my secrets or thoughts....(lol) I have just been so caught up in LIFE that lately I find myself not writing as much as once did. I just have to find my PEACEFUL place within this storm brewing in my mind. It's so jumbled right now. I thank you for reading and understanding. Much love

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