Everyday . .
there’re new statistics and shady polls
4.6% unemployment
four million lost jobs
Dow Jones down 3%
who gives a s h i t . ?
when all this is more or just
unadulterated bumboclaat . . !
Regardless of Percentages . .
the chances of you losing your job
or sucking d i c k for a living
has increased to one in ten
so that makes it 10%
that’s just more
d o d g y f u c k e r y . !
a number designed to fog the truth
it’s always 100%
when you loose your job . .
it’s always 100%
when your children cry . .
the booboo on their butts
needs medical attention
but you don’t have healthcare
yuh don’t have a job
yuh can’t afford to pay fuh s h i t . !
it’s always 100% when the family's pet bunny
ain’t no longer a pet
b u t . .
a potential food source
it’s always 100%
when yuh can’t send yo kids to camp because
a s s c u n t s . . !
Like Trump and Biden
and the 535 fungal infections
in congress
made off with your loot
doing time in penthouses
in gentrified neighbourhoods they invented
while your house burns
on the auction block
one step away
from living in your car
at the municipal parking lot
or under a blue tarp
on a sidewalk somewhere
taking showers and crapping
at the park down the street
I’m taking this personally
cause it’s personal
I’m one a dem thugs
who wanna walk up Capitol Hill
right into Congress
pull my pants down
and tell dem
f u c k i n c o c k s u c k e r s
B i t c h e s . !
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