Colette | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 73

Back in the day we used to put our hand out towards someone else’s face and say “Bye,” as if to say, “Bye, get out my face.”
Just imagine Biden telling you, “Bye then, imma go, get out yo face and be gone.”

You saying I should be replaced and get out the race - Biden
You saying I’m too old - Biden
You saying I’m unfit and not fit for office - Biden
You want me to step down, step off and step out - Biden
You saying I can’t win… Well Biden

But you want me to pass the “Stress” test right?
So what you are saying is, in order to “pass” the stress test, I need to pass it on to the next person… Got it!
Well, you know what my response is to that? Biden

You saying I should relax, retire and enjoy the rest of my life… Well I should and I just might.
Let somebody else deal with this mess of a stress, load off my chest… Just remember, there’s no mending, our relationship is ending, your request is pending.

(Update - Written on July 12, 2024, Biden withdrew from the race on July 21, 2024)


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

May God bless his departing soul with divine wisdom and guidance. Likewise be the gift unto us in the work we have left to do. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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