The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


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Who ate that chicken?


just different

Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 450

When I was a child
Every time the doors of the church swung open
My knucklehead was there
Not because I wanted to be
Because my mama made me

Mama didn’t go to church no way
She only attended on Easter and Mothers day
Reverend Plow preached a sermon
About chicken and gravy today

His title was substance and evidence
The chicken was the substance
The gravy was the evidence
There once was some chicken

Now the chicken is gone

There’s gravy left in the pan
I think he mentioned some
Cornbread candied yams and collard greens too

I was just a kid sitting in the
Pews chewing bubble gum
Receiving the good news
Kicking off my shoes

Paying attention because I was amused
Patiently waiting to hear who ate the chicken

Perhaps it was God or maybe Jesus?
Reverend Plow never said who did it
I left church disappointed and confused

I went home and asked my mother because I thought she knew
All she did was look at me funny and asked me was I hungry

I bet Reverend Plow ate that chicken
It was his way of confessing
He was the only one who knew about it

Maybe God told him about it

Big mama always said that God talked to his people

I remember wishing that I was Gods people

So that God would tell me…



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