Mingoao | Poetry Vibe
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Darkness of Light


just different

Views: 53

Born of darkness

    how does one accept
    that which he’s never seen .  ?

    How does one know
                   the sublime .  ?

            Enshroud by light
            how does one know
            the absence thereof .  ?
            how can one not be
                              but blind .  ?

    From the void where came
    all things that are

    and all things that
                         will be

absence believed
meets presence own perception

                       the ambit in which
                     all else exist as real

             Does one not see a path  .  ?

             Does one not see
             the tree that bears fruit     
             of a kind that can be eaten

                           and not be poison
                                       to the soul  .  ?

© mingoáo

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Contest Winner  

Mlowe5 says:

Yes indeed. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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