Colette | Poetry Vibe
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Up, up and away



Views: 78

Heyyy friend, since we always UP to something, I wanna give a tribute to the word UP, because everyday of our life we do something meaningful with the word up.
So with that being said, I wanna know, what’s UP with you?
How many of these UPs did you do today?

hurry up, stand up, start up, write up
raise up, speed up, mark up, fill up
come up, pull up, step up, climb up
drive up, straighten up, cheer up, tear up
rise up, lift up, run up, clean up, buckle up

chin up, pin up, put up, shut up
get up, sit up, hit up, spit up

woke up, broke up, spoke up
boot up, toot up, man up, hand up
chew up, blew up, screw up
walk up, talk up, hype up, type up

dress up, mess up, fold up, hold up
wake up, make up, break up
toss up, boss up, lay up, pay up
look up, hook up, took up, shook up
tighten up, lighten up, wrap up, strap up

save up, gave up, head up, made up
lick up, stick up, pick up
slip up, whip up, rip up, zip up
stock up, lock up, knock up

go up, show up, grow up, throw up, blow up
but never ever slow up

pop up, hop up, mop up, stop up
burn up, turn up, stuck up, luck up, f’k up
heat up, eat up, beat up, feet up

back up, pack up, rack up, jack up, stack up
but never ever slack up

I did a lot of these UPs today, but most importantly, I Stayed up and Prayed up…

Well, my “time UP,” lol.
So what’s up? Can you think of any I missed?

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Heyyy my Sister! Thanks for this beautiful UP Lift this morning! I'm Up and perpendicular to the ground and ready for today's labors of love that God has set up for me to engage in today! Thought this 82 years old body tries to slow me up sometimes, I just buckle-up and keep on going. Can't and never will give up. God has kept me her this long for His purpose; serving Him by being in labors of love, servicing those who need my aid. Again, thanks to the scriptures and you, for fueling me up this morning. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.
Contest Winner  

Colette says:

Thank you so much my friend mlowe5. You are such an inspiration to so many, especially me. Your words of poetry are not just words, they are in-depth with sooo much knowledge and wisdom. They uplift, encourage and inspire. Your love for God and your gratitude is shown each day you awake. And Everyday, you give God the glory. God is well pleased with you my friend. Have you ever heard of grounding? That’s when you stand in the grass with your bare feet and connect directly to the earth. Since it’s sooo hot and for the times it’s cold, you can get a grounding mat or a grounding sheet for your bed and do it from the comfort of your home and get the same benefits. It does so much for your body, removes inflammation, reduces stress, improves blood flow, more restful sleep… I wanted a “good” quality one, so I got mine from grounding It was a lil pricey, but it was worth it. (Beware of those cheap, knock off brands) It has so many great benefits and will definitely help you in ways you won’t believe. Look into it and read the reviews on “grounding.” They even have YouTube videos you can watch. I just want to give you your flowers and let you know, WE (all of us on Poetry Vibe) are so very grateful for you and your wisdom everyday and WE truly appreciate ALL your kind words. You are indeed a blessing my friend. I pray God will continue to strengthen, cover, heal, protect and prosper you and your family always. Be Blessed and Take care, ONE PEACE AND LOVE, as you would say. (Smile)

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