TEEDUB815 | Poetry Vibe
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If Trees Had Eyes


Views: 123

If trees had eyes..

They would see..

The trials and tribulation of all mankind in our history

The wrong thats been done against millions of people because of their race, religion, creed, beliefs, or sexuality

They would've seen all ancestors wrongfully treated in the past that pleaded for a path to be treated equally

The greed for power like war inwhich have claimed the lives of many couragous brave young stars who would've loved to have made it back home

Home to obtain a free education 

To obtain a career that would sustain til one day retire with great benefits and well deserved monthly checks

If the trees had eyes.. 

They would see..

By the millions, hard working folks living check to check below poverty

Barely hanging on to survive 

Absorbing the many back breaking days in their lives

They'll be able to see the hurt, the pain of domestic violence inflected bruises as tears roll down a face like rain

The coniving lying traffickers luring young girls 

Taking them from their normal world to be used for sex exchanged for unforgiving cash

If trees had eyes, I'd hope they could also speak

To help us find the missing children and capture the abductors to line their asses up on the firing line for their deceit

If Trees Had Eyes


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed! Yet, sagging the seasons, that canvas powerful messages to us. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.
Contest Winner  

Colette says:

Beautifully written and indeed on point. So much envy, jealousy, corruption and greed and evil… I pray people will repent from their evil ways and receive God’s peace, love and healing and accept His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

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