Mingoao | Poetry Vibe
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The Children of Ismail


just different

Views: 99

A young lad kicks a pebble
                 down a dirt road
                  and is shot dead

    he’s on the wrong road
    at the wrong time of day

        and the world says

                  N a y .  .  !

he shoudda never been there
                   kicking that pebble
                   that day

    he’s on the wrong road
    on the wrong side of town     
    on the other side of the wall

    A young girl speaks to a friend
        on the other side of the wall
                            and is shot dead

    not because of anything she said

        but she spoke a dialect
        considered dread and despised

                       It’s the wrong day
          in the wrong part of town

        On the other side of the wall
   children play and are shot dead

                          in the school yard
                                of a Madrasah
        On the other side of the wall
        the faithful prayed
        and worshipped
        and died
                                       in the sight
                                    of God today

        not because they prayed
        to any special god

                                           b u t

        they prayed in a Mosque

                    On the wrong day
      on the wrong side of town
  on the other side of the wall

t o d a y . .

    mouths will have . .
    no milk
    no water
    no bread
    no lamb
    no nourishment of any kind

                 b e c a u s e

             today and everyday
      they are the children of

                  I s m a i l  . . !

A young woman became a mother
briefly for a moment in time

    she gave birth
    at the 13th hour of labour
                       at a checkpoint

         t h e   c h i l d   d i e d  .  .  !

        and the aged grandmother
        who accompanied her

                  died of thirst
        on the desert floor

            begging her God
           for water

A child went to school today
only to return home for supper
                                            b u t

       his home no longer stands
                 and all that were left
                                    of his clan

    were scorched bones
    etched in the sand

    and the ash of their eyes . .

        he now fights
        with slings and stones

                                 to avenge
      the scattered dead bones

      where nothing remains . .

and it doesn’t matter
that his bones
too are broken

        and can not
        be walked on . .
                  He’s looked upon
with venom and with dread

          as snipers afar
          target him dead . .

and all that’s left of him
is an ominous red dot

        where X marked the spot
        of his execution

they know . .
what they have done

          they know . .
          what they have created 

                      they call him

                     T E R R O R I S T

© mingoáo 

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Breadcrumbs2021 says:

May he rest in peace, to Ismail.

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Contest Winner  

Gmcgee325 says:

This is a very deep piece. I love the flow and the depth of your words. Awesome job!

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Mingoao says:

@Gmcgee325 -::- Thanks for the love. -Much Peace -Stay Blessed
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

From top to bottom from bottom to top, phenomenal work.

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Mingoao says:

@Immortal Wize -::- Thank you sir . -Peace

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Sassy says:

Powerful powerful powerful and so true of today and days past

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