If I am me
How can I be beside myself ?
How can I be by myself ?
If I am not me who else can I be ?
Who’s standing beside me ?
Who’s standing by me ?
If I am not me then who is myself ?
When I am alone I am by myself
If that is true then that means two
Does that make sense to you ?
1+1 makes two this math is true
If I am me then who is myself & I ?
That’s not two that’s three
Like the holy trinity
Who is self when I am beside and by myself ?
Is it the evil or the good side of me ?
Is it the ego in me
Is it the soul inside of my body ?
Am I my social identity ?
If I search and find myself will I be free ?
Or will I find my worse enemy ?
I often wonder about this voice inside of me
That say’s things before I speak
When I go off and out of control I’m beside myself
When in solitude I’m by myself
All I want to know is if not me then who else ?
Alone I’m somebody
In a crowd I’m everybody or we
If I am by myself when I am sleep
Then there is nothing inside of me
I guess that’s the spirit that watches over me
Me myself & I
Who am I ?
Who are we ?