Once again, yours truly takes poetic license. Whenever the missus irks me or complains...
I tell her don't "Hock me in chinik" nor kvetch
before long tête-à-tête escalates in2 Kanipshin
whereby the Army National Guard gets called
World War III declared Bubbe rolled over like
Beethoven in his grave where re: posthumous
renown one hundred & ninety eight years ago
March 26, 1827, never stopped decomposing
which countless noteworthy creations rank as
the mark of a prodigy with chutzpah to return
from the grave as an incorporeal essence with
trademark shock of hair unwittingly impacted
young hearts of females that went into aflutter
unbeknownst to said lasses who would qualify
as "groupies" in the parlance of contemporary
fans, but little known fact that unassuming key
gifted musician counts teachers, including his
father, Christian Gottlob Neefe, Joseph Haydn,<... |
Crime busting Houston police smoke out disjointed fur rats house... formerly an abandoned Amazon warehouse went to pot
with mold and magic mushrooms growing in every spot.
All kinds of vermin stole into the damp dark environment
of particular note concerned medium-sized rodents who
belonged to order Rodentia who chomped down illegal
contrabands, and quite a sizable portion went into their
bellies, which merited noteworthy attention and possibly
explained the horde deal videre licet witnessed courtesy
specially trained swat team donned with protective wear
enticing critters with tasty morsels to offset their munchies
to coordinate, facilitate, & initiate massive effort deporting
said disease (on magnitude of Megadeth) carrying heavy
doses of mind oriented substances namely hallucinogens
contributing to erratic violent behavior triggering a bulletin
calling upon military industrial complex with costly & risky
business to ... |
My jubilant latent, nascent and potent poetic tribute to black history month Which acknowledgement ought to be year round,
similar to altruistic, humanistic, and philanthropic
unconditional acceptance and respect
crafted with the following words
mostly written January 23rd, 2023,
cuz I, (a sexagenarian married Caucasian male)
get goosebumps when learning
about individuals, (whose skin color
spans the color spectrum)
contributed invaluable positive deeds
(not necessarily done dirt cheap),
yet impacted civilization in general,
and yours truly in particular
being analogously thunderstruck with awe.
more apropos and alternately titled:
praise to thee people
of variegated melanin color,
whose immense understated improvements
and enhancement of webbed wide world
worth more than pal... |
My nascent poetic tribute to black history month though I yam Caucasian,
tis rightful to honor that most bitter
racist genocidal crime
nonetheless ovation qua
quintessential significant contribution
vis a vis that doth litter
anonymous multitudinous peoples
many unknown dark skinned souls
bravely fought as non quitter
with melanin so coon sitter
this asthma feeble attempt
made to mind of literate
parent, guardian or sitter
adorn aye rhythmically twitter
to Homo Sapiens with Negroid color
who, despite being human bondage
managed to adorn
worthy contributions to society,
though an American (though not so proud)
and civilization since time immemorial
hence, I wanna pay poetic homage
to persons born
akin to diversity exemplifying gamut
analogous to Indian corn
debased brutally and forlorn
and raised in... |
Overdosing (rather binge reading) thesaurus... Imagine if ye will
earlier one blustery February sixteenth
two thousand twenty one,
yours truly experienced atypical thrill
perusing pages of heavily laden word book
marking where I leave off reading
courtesy no frills inked quill
(sold to yours truly courtesy original
big bird on his deathbed)
plus jotting down page number
so mundane effort to marry me interest
with me lingua franca (English language)
neither void nor nill
aforementioned laborious literary task
persevered despite forgoing
eating and sleeping might kill
(reading every last word)
hoop ping diligence improves vocabulary
making me maxillary stronger
no matter chronological years
considered smidgen whipping
over third scored Sam Hill
Earth orbitz around nearest star |
Lemme regale you with splendid and fabulous exuberance Despite being an amateur
paperback writer wannabe,
whose storied protagonist
stars colporteur wannabe
(thinly veiled cover as yours truly),
whereby his antagonistic doppelgänger
donned as a frotteur trumpeting
animalistic, chauvinistic, egoistic,
averse to gradualistic, individualistic...
narcissistic, opportunistic hauteur
with a penchant for littérateur,
whose favorite genres
constitute the blending
(think Louis Pasteur)
of one criminally and mysteriously
hellbent expert pathologist,
whose found role of self chosen prosateur
loosing overactive imagination to guide
and to craft believable scenarios,
whereby provocateur earned himself
title of master raconteur
this side of Schwenksville,
actually a double agent
gussied up as rapporteur,
whose burning side kick
(splitting hairs over being primary<... |
Nonpareil les belles-lettres spellbinds Adherence regarding credo
to finish reading arbitrarily
self selected book beginning
to end silent promise made
otherwise, I experience guilt
analogous violating unwritten
law, said private oath binds me
against challenging non binding
unspoken promise additionally
never flipping thru pages reading
conclusion, viz aforementioned
unspoken vow never abrogated,
no contest when authored material
finds yours truly engrossed cover
to cover avast joyous kickstarted
linkedin magical nameless eye
opening imaginative adventure
and/or literature deemed among
timeless (cult) classics cherished,
marveled, treasured... analogous,
where taste buds appeased brimming
culinary decadence edifying gourmet
savory sweet treat (ideally NON GMO
gluten and MSG free) targeting aching
unclutched... |
Incorrigible Recalcitrant - Doppelganger (mine) Ala Goofus and Gallant
highlights my diametrically
divergent alter egos
always the reserved
obedient docile boy
afeared to stray outside narrow
circumscribed comfort zone
figuratively tethered
extremely short leash
choked me like yoked oxen,
albeit non red dually bullish
under bated breath
otherwise submissive
internalizing fury and rage
relentlessly lambasted
daily school bus ride
analogous highway to hell,
thus envisioned monstrous physique
linkedin to superpowers...
whereby giant beastie boy
within scrawny nerd
visiting jocular comeuppance
bopping "jocks" on their beanies
with rotten tangerines
(Tom Lehrer would be proud)
knocking senseless nasty brutes
gleefully pummeling rapscallions
... |
Mother Nature’s Mega Ton Herculean Force A minuscule might each separate human, and even collectively
(the entire race of mankind) no match for planetary dynamics
contrasted with mega million times made wrestling match with Gaia.
A no brainer asper the winner of strengths contested against each other.
Hands down (fifty four), the catastrophic, fantastic, intrinsic, lyric,
opportunistic, rhapsodic, universalistic yawping zapped by terrestrial
squeezes quirky vagaries cooly whipped extant upon planet Earth.
Natural magnitude of indiscriminate, merciless, climatologically,
meteorologically, terrestrially powerful super storms could wreak
upon hapless humans came to pass, when a mother ***ing monster
maelstrom, (the mother of all earthquakes, hurricanes and tornados
rolled into one demonic decreed debacle) foisted upon entire
Thirteen Colonies, with especial manifold more vehemence
(anthropologic... |
Every January first of the new year... finds me (a doggone muttering Homo sapien)
to give pause for reminiscences
and to take stock (sh lock and barrel)
about mein kampf in general
and previous three hundred
and sixty five days in particular
assessing some laudable accomplishments,
where inside my mind I beam radiance
envisioning an imaginary hit parade
supporting my local mummers
and married poppers
trumpeting like Dumbo the elephant,
yours truly decked out
donning red zoot suit
proud heterosexual with pride
to sport gay apparel,
and support LGBTQIA community
peering across the madding crowd
courtesy third eye blind
sauntering toward then ascending soapbox
where I smugly wax poetic and proud
fulminating, expatiating, and contending
accursed series of unfortunate events
populating lifetime since conception
until death do me part
apprising rapt li... |