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The remnants of August 2024 Hurricane Debbie



Views: 63

Like a humane huntress, she

(the anthropomorphized storm)

brought a spate of cool Autumn like

temperatures and gentle soothing rain
here within my neck of the woods

for the last couple of days.

No matter the fall equinox
and first day of autumn arrives
countless weeks from now
on Sunday, September 22, 2024,
at 08:44 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
in the Northern Hemisphere
synonymous with The Eastern Time Zone
a time zone encompassing part or all of 23 states
in the eastern part of the United States,
parts of eastern Canada,
and the state of Quintana Roo in Mexico

the only Mexican state to observe EST.

Said geographical area
moved from Central Time to Eastern Time
after a successful lobbying effort
by tourism interests.

In 2015, the state of Quintana Roo changed to a new time zone, Zona Sureste (Southeast Zone), and discontinued daylight saving time, being in UTC−05:00 all year.

Quintana Roo does not
observe daylight saving time.

Though record breaking
triple digit temperatures
showed no mercy
against the sheltering sky,
(when humanity

gets bowled over like ten pins

not sparing anyone
after fury of coming storm
and indiscriminate havoc of mother nature

poised to strike) unleashing
brutally hazy, hot,
and humid dog days gave

weather weary
woebegone wretched earthlings
something to complain about
and blame the Republicans

no doubt, aforementioned
swath of land experienced temporary respite
and relief against relentless
horrid umpteenth heat wave,

which reprieve and blessing
from the blustering, blistering,

and blasting fiery solar blast furnace

summoning gratitude regarding

temporary prized lull heaven sent

buzzfeeding, and nursing biosphere
with good n plenti liquid precipitation
offering sneak preview when at long last
summer two thousand twenty four
segues into September days awash
with refreshing temperatures and
bathing the terrestrial firmament
with much welcoming rain.

Soon empyrean découpage citadel

will betoken (bespeak) autumnal arrival

as chariot of fire emblazons telltale signature

one humble human doth bid summer adieu.

Already an imperceptible merest trace
hints of crisp cool mornings
and evenings ushering fresh air
French kissed yours truly tongue in cheek
refreshing air wafts thru longish hair
trademark characteristic property
aging pencil neck geek
attends brief bathroom charge coffee
exotic brew jolted kidneys leak
urine not kidding water closet doth reek.

Back after I did potty hod dee.

How grand when third season
of two thousand and twenty four

visits upon us mortals

Montgomery county, Pennsylvania
said geographic real estate sloughs
(i.e. sheds) summer dog days

necessitating unshuttered windows

allowing, enabling and providing natural aeration

to circulate thru unit B44
cozy one bedroom apartment.


I will stave off clicking

the central air conditioning unnecessarily,

nor crank up british thermal units

(the amount of heat needed to raise

one pound of water at maximum density
through one degree Fahrenheit,

equivalent to 1.055 × 103 joules)

until bone chilling cold arrives,

though hard to believe,

yet invariably come
Jack Frost will make his debut

and like clockwork, yours truly will renege
and surrender creature comfort,
albeit climate controlled temptation
similar when global warming
quite evident predicated upon
Farmers' Almanac prophetic prediction.

Though ecology minded
quick acclimation to unseasonable
hot or cold temperatures

will find me (a contrarian) eating his words

adjusting thermostat dial
by way of explanation to remove the chill
no matter cranking up heat
will invariably aggravate palmar hyperhidrosis

whereas turning on air conditioning

doth thwart excessive sweating of palms

during sweltering triple digit


Ah... remembrance of wood burning stove papa lit,

to dispense chill pervading childhood home

324 Level Road christened "Glen Elm"

within national (local registry)

when Leiper family initially occupied estate

at that time (think early twentieth century)

merely intended as summer getaway.


This time of year finds me

to reminisce and wax poetic

nostalgia more pronounced,

particularly as aspiring wordsmith

orbitz the sun seemingly with greater rapidity

twelve months cycling at light speed

accentuated when flora and fauna

exhibit metaphorical raiment

presaging fall fashion

linkedin with approaching senescence

prompting choleric, generic, and homeric
garden variety Homo sapien

to rue his transience upon oblate spheroid.


Gentrification impossible mission

thus thy lovely bones will subsequently

become repurposed into ashes sprinkled

hither and yon to and fro

across elysium fields
of happy hunting grounds.

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