Mingoao | Poetry Vibe
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There Was Once a Place


just different

Views: 52

Can’t be saved
but need help

   but ain't well

                             afraid to fall
            never was taught to fly
                    no balance . . .
            just broken pieces
            of bones and sorrow

 v o i c e s:

         anguish unheard
                         behind the wall
                the Gods are deaf

            neither human nor being
            blinded nor seeing

            religions of false prophets
                                      the extent
                          of which is chaos

        Fulfilling prophecy

        asphyxiate irony
        covet and envy

                                       G R E E D
                                these things
               we were warned about
         but no one
         follows the commandments
         they worship graven images
                           and graven things
        the chosen
        ain't chosen after all
                         it's all a lie
                   d e c e p t i o n
              communion of wickedness

                         and the malignancy
                         of hatred

            children don't cry


            they lay in the rubble
            and dust          

            with fists clenched
                      they scream
            the scorched pus stained                                                             earth

            while mama
            scavenges for food
                            papa lies
          in a thousand pieces
         scattered in the sand

        babies born in silence

        too afraid
        to draw first breath

                                too afraid
        to announce their arrival
       the dead keeps dying
       over and over again
             famine is rife

     scenes of sheer terror
     dance in the minds and psyche
                               of the innocent

        g r i e f
        neurotic anticipatory
                   p a r a n o i a

        the ambrosia
        that feeds the morass
        the last sanctuary burns
        the final refuge goes up in smoke
                           as white phosphorous
                                       flavours the air
       souls flee to promised ground
       that's dangerously safe
        they navigate by the light of
                               falling bombs

                     and mustard mists

          drones scream
          like peregrine
                           diving from the sky
                                     like dragons
                   with the precision of evil

                   marrow melts                                         in the midday sun

                             where blood                                          marks the spot
             There Was Once a Place
                    P A L E S T I N E
© mingoáo


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Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

Nice work@

Mingoao says:

@Coalhouse: Thank you. -Peace

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Babalo5 says:

And now there's AFRICA-AMERICA's volcano! What a profoundly great awareness write, Mingoao! I'll soon be back. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE, Babalo5 (aka, mlowe5) 09/11/2024.

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