I don’t remember anything
About 1990
Because it is a long time ago
And I must say that 1990
Went away 20 years ago
From my life
And the world that we live
Every single day
Here on the planet earth
I don’t remember anything
About 1990
Because it is a long time ago
And I must say that 1990
Went away 20 years ago
From my life
And the world that we live
Every single day
Here on the planet earth
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Mein geliebter GottMein geliebter GOTT You gave us a wonderful world For us to live After you made heaven and earth Also you had created us after you Made heaven and earth The earth you made it Very well With flowers by the ocean Also by the ocean was plenty Of trees Some birds you made with your Holy hands They already fished their food To eat Now they are resting on the tree Branches And also singing for us Their beautiful songs I personally enjoy hearing the birds Singing Now the end of the day Arrived fast The sun went down And we all saw the sunset Now the night arrived The birds went back flying High in the sky Branches of the trees Also you made the beautiful ocean With your holy hands ... |
About meAbout me I am somebody special That was made By my father With his holy hands A long time ago And also along Time ago My father had Placed me to live Here on earth I love living on earth My beautiful life Every single day I care about The way my friends Love me Also my friends Are my family I trust my friends And I know that There will be always Around for me Even when I am sick I just don’t like Being sick I try to take good care Of my health Every single day Also, was my father That gave me the Gift of health I also never had Ruin my health I don’t smoke At all friends So I have healthy lungs <... |
A better place for you and for meA better place for you and for me We will discover it today My friend Because I want you to Know that I had kept The promise that I Had made to you And I will be your Best friend always No matter what happens tomorrow I will always be There for you So lets go And find a better place For you and me That we can live in harmony We walked to the end of the road And there we saw a man That saw us also And he had invited us For the hot air balloon ride Because that hot air balloon Belonged to him The man filled the propane burners Of the hot air balloon And waited for the hot air balloon To warm up For about 30 minutes After that he had called us And we all had climbed inside The hot air bal... |
1990I don’t remember anything About 1990 Because it is a long time ago And I must say that 1990 Went away 20 years ago From my life And the world that we live Every single day Here on the planet earth |
I used to be richI used to be rich I had a big house with a big backyard I spent all my money away like it was water The little money I had left I gave it away When it was gone I had lost my house, my job, and my friends Today I am a beggar on the street My best friend is a bottle of rum As I beg for money on the street everyone that passed by me Had noticed that I was dirty No one wants a beggar for a friend I have nowhere else to go except to live on the street I am getting old and my life is passing me by There are wrinkles on my face I can hardly walk straight anymore because I am almost always drunk I drink too much I am a beggar what else should I do than drink That’s what beggars do best I know that one day my heart will give out and I will die When I was rich I wasn’t happy with my life Of ... |
ResolutionI made my resolution I will go to bed early every night So that I can get a proper sleep I will not stay up past my bed time Because I will jeopardize my sleep schedule that I made for me I made my resolution I must love myself before I love others I made my resolution I am happy with the friends I have They are very caring I made my resolution This is a new year Full of surprises Also we are having a mild winter I am very happy about that Lots people underestimate me I know that I am a genius That writes good poetry Every single day Poetry is the gift that God Gave to me And I am using that gift Writing poems If I don't use that gift I will lose it And that would be the worst thing I could do for me... |
A blank screenI turned on my computer today And My mind is blank I look into a blank screen But Can’t think of what to write Time is passing by And I haven’t written anything yet I can’t blame it on myself Because My mind is somewhere else – Still at home
1:19 PMI even forgot about the restaurant That is opening today On my street That is not something that I will die for A free hamburger And I believe there is a catch to it Because nothing is free in this world
2837 sonataNow that he is growing up He doesn’t stay home very much Because he is out all the time And he is afraid that he will miss out In his life I say that is understandable for him and me Even though life is short |
Um beijoUm beijo That God gave me That was so sweet Just like honey I remembered it very well Because it happened last night Before I went to bed |