Mingoao | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 21100
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Views: 20

Stank is . .

    observing you
    from across a crowded room
                            and wondering

    what da fuh
    you’re wearing

                        under that
              sexy white dress

              if anything at all

Stank is . .

    observing you
    from across a crowded room
                            and wondering

    how many ways
    I can touch you

    and make you cum

                    how many ways
             I can make you cum
          without touching you

          how many times
          in the process
          you were made wet

         how many times
         I made you forget
              yo damn name

    I’m sure ~

        ya didn’t st.. st.. stutter
                                  as a kid

    How do I shag your mind . . ?

Stank is . .

    shagging that  a s s . .  
    bent over the water cooler
              or your desk at work

       but I’m not even there

                  only the depth
            of the penetration
        into your soul is real

Stank is . .

    wanting to taste you

         feeling the honey
         drip from my lips

       as I kiss away your pain

       watching that  a s s  bounce
       in time to the rhythm
       of the stroke

Stank is . .

    the anticipation of you
                    coming home

    and me waiting in the doorway

                             b u t t   n a k e d

                smelling of African Musk

                 with a candle
                 roses and champagne

Stank is . .

    seducing you
    not even knowing

    that the seduction
             was all yours

        c a l l i n g . . !

        the day after ~        

        and you pretending
        not to know my name

            j u s t   a   p a w n

    an object of your arousal  .  !

Stank is . .

                  smelling yo finger
                    in the middle of
     Sunday Morning sermon

Stank is . .

       pastor smelling his finger
       in the middle of
       Sunday Morning sermon

Stank is . .

       knowing that you too
       are a freak

              and are thinking
        the same things too
© mingoáo


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