Mingoao | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 40

There're no truths      
                   no lies
           none exist  .  .
           but for the relationships
           and                                                              aberrations'                                                      causality

© mingoáo

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TEEDUB815 says:

Nice Write

Babalo5 says:

To God Be The Glory, my son. Let me know if you receive this feedback. For months, I've been denied sign in. And when I finally got mu 82 year old NI to kick AI's butt, I have been only been able to sign in and read, but not able to comment nor post. Have now tried something new. If this works, I have so much feedback to send to you and the rest of the family! Though the Queen (now 80 ) has not been well, God continues to heal her. Again, I hope my latest attempt will work. We Got An Election To Win! ONE. PEACE AND LOVE, BABA!

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