WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Selling books in the rain, in Harlem



Views: 44

One of a hundred vendors in Harlem, waking in rain 

I didn’t sell anything today, but I didn’t complain 

A writer lives in a spectrum of optimistic extremes 

Believing that almost anything is possible, writing our hopes and selling our dreams!

A few yard from me, an author of a financial literacy book did not despair 

When the wind blew and dumped buckets of rain water on her hair

The children’s book writer didn’t fret

When her tent fell over and her inventory got all wet!

We left the Harlem Book Fair this summer without making a single sell!

As I pulled my cart of books past the Apollo theater, large rain drops fell

In between two famous musicians, my wheels somehow locked up!

By Michael Jackson and Ella Fitzgerald, I chucked at my luck 

Perhaps the greats were just sending me a message, not to give up?

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