Colette | Poetry Vibe
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Think and then Thank


Views: 96

Think of a time when your rent was due and it got paid and then, thank God.
Think of a time when you got fired and then, thank God.  
Think of a time when you were sooo drunk, yet you still made it home safely and then, thank God.
Think of the times when you look at your phone and there are NO missed calls or text messages and then, thank God.  
Think of your endurance and strength and then, thank God. Think of God’s love for you and then, thank God.

Think of the times you had dirty dishes in the sink and then, thank God. Think of the approvals and non-approvals and then, thank God.  
Think of when you go home and turn the lights on and they actually come on and then, thank God.  
Think of the goodness, mercy and grace of God and then, thank God.

Think of being able to choose which shoes to wear and then, thank God. Think of a time when you had a successful surgery and then, thank God. Think of when you had a fat back (tv) and now a flat back and then, thank God. Because that means you have been around long enough to know the difference.  
Think of His Awesome, Amazing Son Jesus Christ and then, thank God.

Let God know how grateful you are. Learn to trust God, I mean truly trust God. In every situation and in every decision, think God. There is so much we have to be thankful for, yet we spend so much more of our time thinking the wrong thoughts. Think godly thoughts.

When you are thinking negative thoughts, you are not thinking God, because God is positive.
When you worry, you are not thinking God, because God does not worry.
When you are scared, you are not thinking God, because God does not fear.
When you are doubtful, you are not thinking God, because God is a God of certainty…

Strengthen your relationship with God everyday by thinking God and then, thanking God.

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