love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Halloween Poems



Views: 34

Its that time of the year again where we dress up and part of us are living statements of halloween poems. We tell a story with who we are this time of year and it is interesting to see what some people think of themselves. You ever felt like a black goblin, like you were haunting this world. 

Or a black witch. Interestingly enough, we are the only ones that go out into the world and talk about each other in a way that would not be welcomed in pleasant conversation. We are motivated to achieve so much more and most of the time it seems like we are falling short. 

But yet we persevere in this monstrosity of life and weaves its beautiful patterns into our lives. I say a prayer for the dead but they need not say a prayer for me. We are all a part of this world and I am thankful for the people that were in mine. 

I think them for all they have done for me and my talent is the gift that I give back to God. 


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