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I’m Faithful to your Wife



Views: 18

Yeah, I am, very faithful.

My question begins with, why do men cheat?  
Now I know women cheat too, but right now, I’m talking about the men. So like I said, “Why do men cheat?”  

First and foremost, they shouldn’t be flirting or even entertaining another woman. If you go out, then go out, hang with yo boys, have you a few drinks and go home to YOUR wife. Yes, your “for life” wife.

Second, it could be because they meet women and are not honest about the fact that they are married or even in a relationship. So in this case, the other woman is unaware and doesn’t know.

Third, it could be that they are honest and the other woman doesn’t care, and now this easily opens up the door for infidelity.  

Me, I’ve seen this rodeo. Hell, I even rode this rodeo.  
Yes, I’ve been down this road before so I will tell you from my experience, wayyyy back in my younger days, I just didn’t give a damn.  
I didn’t care if you were married, had a girlfriend, was in a relationship or living with somebody… didn’t matter to me. If you ain’t care, why should I care.  
If unbothered was a person, that was me. And besides, I used to say, “I don’t want him all the time, just some of the time.”  
Didn’t care about relationships or conflicts at their home, it wasn’t my home.  
I was even caught in a dude’s house and his girl came home early. Now how disrespectful of him to have another woman come to his house where him and his girl lived? And how disrespectful of me to go?

Now mind you, I was in my twenties, not making an excuse, but hell, there were times when I wasn’t even committed in my own relationship, so what the hell do I care about your relationship.  
And as for sex, shout out to the few who got it when I was giving it away, kudos to them, cause now, nobody ain’t getting nothing!

Now being older and so much more mature, I can look back and give advice to others by honestly saying, I didn’t KNOW my worth, caused if I did, I wouldn’t have settled. Settled at being second, settled at being a lot of things.  

As of today, I’m not married, never been married and don’t choose to be married. And as a happily, single woman, I can truly say, I’m faithful to your wife.  

If you choose not to respect your vows or your relationship, then that’s on you.  
But as for me, I’m not settling or coming second to NOTHING. Did I say Nothing? That’s what I said and that’s what I mean.  
I'm not being yo lil boo, yo side piece, yo shawty, yo other woman, yo mistress… none of that! And I been standing on that for years.  
You can’t come run no lil slick talking ssh to me talking ‘bout, “we married, but we ain’t together.”

Ladies, here are some warning signs to look out for:  
If you ain’t been by his house or can’t go over there chill and spend the night - That’s a red flag  
If he have to leave by a certain time, like around 2am - That’s a flag  
If he can’t spend the night by you - That’s a flag  
If he can’t be with you on holidays - That’s a flag  
If you call him and he answers and says, “What’s up Willie” and you know you not Willie, that means he’s with his girl. Yeah, his main girl, not you Boo. He will even have you listed in his contacts as Willie.  
If he wants to take you out the day before Valentine’s Day, but not on Valentine’s Day - There’s a reason.

I know, I used to work in a restaurant and I peeped game on this when I noticed how extremely, extra, extra busy we were the day before. And that would be so they can bring their Boo’s out the day before, spend that day with them and go break them off and then be with their wives or main chick on the day of.  
Some were even bold enough where they would take their boo out earlier on Valentine’s and then double back with their wife later for dinner. Smh  

Women, I can’t stress this enough, know your worth! You are a QUEEN and you deserve to be treated as such in every aspect. You are not deserving part of the time or some of the time, you are deserving all of the time.  
Truth is, some women settle to be the other woman because the man buys them gifts, gives them money or pays their bills, but ladies, you are worth more than money and material things. You really are.

To the men, are you that insecure? Why even put these women in these situations by even wanting to cheat on your spouse?  
And to the women, if you wouldn’t give in to these advances and don’t settle for being second, then maybe we can slowly but surely cut down on a lot of the infidelity that’s going on.

Some may say, who are you to be saying something about cheating when you did the exact same thing? Like I truthfully said, I didn’t know my worth. And if my experience can help shine a light and bring awareness to another woman who may need to hear and know they are worthy, then it’s worth sharing. Protect your respect! If you don’t respect you, do you think he gon respect you?  

Sweetheart, there is a man out there, your own man, who will do those things for you, marry you and treat you like the Queen you are. You just need to be patient, trust God’s timing and learn to sustain abstinence. Let him find you, you don’t need to go find him. For the Bible says, He who finds a wife, finds a good thing.

Now to the young women, I was young and foolish and if that’s what you choose to do, then who am I not to allow you to be young and foolish and make inconsiderate, careless choices?  
But chile, all I can say is, spare yourself from the heartache, drama, rejection and disrespect. Because ain’t nothing better and more honoring to yourself than to KNOW your worth and what you are deserving of.  
I have the Greatest peace, inner and outer peace knowing I’m not being second to nothing!

So to the men, I’m faithful to your wife, even if you not.  
If I gotta be the last woman left on earth not messing with nobody else’s man, then so be it.  
My heart is content.

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