The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


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lightness in the dark
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Confluent Energy



Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 451

 We make our acquaintances along the labyrinth path

Some are good some are not heroes and villains alike

We shuffle and hustle through lifes puzzle

There are many ways to go many twist, turns and choices to make

Surrounded in a hedge of protection

In search of guidance and direction

There is something different in every corridor

Trying to find our own way through this great big maze

Those who offer you food or a cool drink of water

Those who give you light to see through the night

Those who offer to show you a better way

Because it is the way they have come

Those who watch over you while you sleep

Those who offer to massage and wash your feet

Those who comfort you when you weep

Those who you fall in love with and they take your breath away

Those who encourage you to stay with it

Those who call you by name and try to keep you down

Those who say they have your back but are never around

Those who throw dirt on you and leave no ground

Those who briefly look up and smile as you pass

Those who will miss you when you're gone

Those who see you through the eyes of God

Those who look at you strange and odd

Those who you are weary and Leary of

Those who see you stalled and give you a shove

Those who sprinkle fairy dust of love

Those who pass you up in duress

Those who pick you up when you're depressed

Those who politely move to the side to let you walk on by

Those who walk part the way with you then quietly venture on

Those who signal to you that the way you are going is wrong

Those who hum whistle tunes and sing you songs

Those who symbolically and physically

Those who stay up all night scribbling, and writing poems

Those who mention your name every time they pray

Those who are there to help and never look away

Those who know the worse you have done and choose to love you anyway

Those who rather walk the path alone

Those who walked the whole path with you now their gone

Those who admire you from a far and you never know who they are

We are all strangers until we meet and our souls leap together in harmony


2009 © WIZE DOM



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