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The Prediction of God Bless America



Views: 136

When it comes to “this” generation, many (if any) do not know about the songs we sung faithfully and wholeheartedly each and every morning at school.  
I was born in the sixties and even in the seventies and so forth, I remember, every morning in class, before our day began, we all had to stand and place our hand across our chest and pledge allegiance to the flag.
We sung songs that represented unity, songs that meant something. We were taught to love THIS country. We were United. (At least that’s what the younger me thought)

Now for those who may not know, this is the Pledge of Allegiance.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

As of today, from my understanding, not ALL states require their schools to say the Pledge of Allegiance, which once again proves my point that we are all not United.

Now for those who may not know, these are a few of the songs we sung.

“My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty of thee I sing. Land where my fathers die, land of the pilgrim’s pride from every mountain side, let FREEDOM ring."

Yes… let FREEDOM RING.  

(Here’s another one)

“This land is your land, this land is my land, from California to the New York Islands, from the Red Wood Forest, to the Gulf Stream waters, this land was made for you and me.”

Yes, YOU and ME, which means, not just you, not just me, not just the whites, not just the blacks, not just the educated, not just the rich and wealthy… but THIS LAND, THIS LAND right here was made for you AND me.

But the one song that stands out to me the most in today’s time and especially where we are concerning this election is God Bless America.

“God bless America, land that I love, stand beside HER and guide HER through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam, God bless America, My home, sweet home.”

Do you see the words I see? It says, stand beside Her and guide Her.  
I see "Her" in today’s time as meaning standing beside Kamala Harris. Somehow, maybe wayyy back then this song we sang foresaw the future. And maybe, just maybe this prediction can possibly come to light by us having the first female President of the United States of America. Yes! Of the “United States,” meaning, we are one when we are united!

Our words are Powerful! Could it be that “we” were singing and speaking this into existence over 50 years ago? I know America is a country, but with a HER leading this country and living up to its words, that in itself would make this song even more great.

To be honest, men know what’s up. Truth be told, they know we can handle it. They know us women have always been multi task and multi purpose. And in all fairness, over all the past centuries, we have seen what the men could do.

It’s 2024. Now it’s time to have a woman in leadership.  
It’s time for Change, so let’s be the Change and make a Change!  
We saw what the past looked like.  
It’s time to let our past pass!  
It’s time for a New Chapter!  
It’s time for unity, peace and love, not division, control, power, hatred or racism. We show love for our country by loving one another. Now is the time for us to unite and become ONE nation.  

It’s time for us to stand beside HER and together we can be proud to say the United States of America is truly MY home sweet home!

Dear God,  
I know the enemy comes to destroy, so with 6 days left before this election, I pray to You Father for Your peace, for Your guidance, wisdom, healing, unity, favor and for Your many promises of protection.  
And I pray Father, regardless of the outcome of this election, please, please, please continue to bless, strengthen, prosper and protect the United States of America.

In Jesus name, I pray - Amen

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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