TEEDUB815 | Poetry Vibe
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Red Water



Views: 87

On weekend morning, I decided to take a trip to my favorite fishing spot in a small town in south Texas

The drive there is about 45 minutes from my house

I loaded up my gear then set out

When I arrived, I unloaded my gear then walked about 13 minutes through the wooded area to reach my secret fishing spot

I made It

The water was calm but clear

I casted my first line almost to the otherside of the small lake and realized where my lure landed there was an area of  blood floating near

I set down my pole then went to the otherside to investigate

When I got to the othereside, I came across a blood trail inwhich lead into the water 

I glazed closely and notice the torsel of a pig submerged on its side beheaded and de-limbed in the water 

I questioned myself? Could be from some type of sacrifice? or Could this be from a failed slaughter





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