ts735bSTUDENT10pinz! | Poetry Vibe
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A living hellish nightmare...


just different

Views: 72

only just began early today
November 6th, 2024,
when my eyes frightfully espied
glaring headlines bespoke horror
swiftly tailored, harried styled
conjured, portended and yielded
worse fate than being gratefully dead
after the polls tallied up the votes
beaming none other than

pudgy hugely crass blimp
as the forty seventh septuagenarian president

of the United States of America.

Before delving into worse case scenario

regarding the candidate,
who clinched the nomination
as commander in chief
with special thanks to Elon Musk
(despite being an engineering genius)
for amply funded inimical,
maniacal, and radical
antithetical, egotistical, and heretical
verbal incursion, and character assassination

videre licet concerning democratic opponent
boosting drek fueling horrible jibes,
no surprise after the got ballots counted
decreeing the overstuffed ego freezer
who will now occupy the White House
at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20500,
subsequently, I posit thee
with a very obvious rhetorical question.


Members of the House and Senate
met in the House Chamber to conduct
the official count of electoral votes.

The Vice President of the United States,
as President of the Senate, presided
over the count in a strictly ministerial manner
and announces the results of the vote.

Now after imp of the pervert
amassed 270 electoral votes
and declared the avowed winner
while he blissfully gobbled
his favorite meal
consisting of Two Big Macs,
Two Fillet-o-Fish sandwiches,
a large Fry and a diet Coke

courtesy being heavy duty patron
and keeping McDonald's patriarchal
company financially afloat

Now dear reader, you ought to be
able, eager, ready, and willing
to participate in an after the fact
easy to answer guessing game?

Here goes.

Who can legitimately flaunt the law...
and get away with murder scot-free?

Only someone christened
Donald John Trump
the 45th President of the United States:
he escaped being (even minimally)
penalized of countless crimes:
any other American would be prosecuted
found guilty, and subsequently sentenced
(courtesy strong arm of the law
witnessing guilty party
and his merry
contra band of accomplices
dealt harsh consequences)
to years of hard labor.

As a law abiding citizen,
I decry how legally nomenclatured,
qualified, schooled, and trained professionals
handled him with kid gloves
as if he happened to be the Messiah.

Analogous to some rabid animal,
the mean mien pitbull
disposition of Donald Trump
witnesses him foaming at the mouth
during his barnstorming, campaigning,
doxing, et cetera vituperation.

The next four long years
will witness vigurative wrecking ball
obliterating the foundations
constituting complex edifice
housing sacred tracts
fundamental documented blueprints
linkedin with ancillary trappings
servicing nasty and brutish gall,
where no logic can ex spleen
with pride and prejudice
exhibiting absolute zero
gentlemanly sense and sensibility.

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