ts735bSTUDENT10pinz! | Poetry Vibe
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Hooray for Captain Spaulding...


Views: 69

though he played only a cameo role
helping me secure corrective eyewear I sport


mucho gratitude to all parties involved

including the missus,
cuz she needed to shuttle me
to and from hither and yon,
wherever I needed to go,

cuz entire bill paid
(including thorough examinations and lenses -
the frames repurposed

from one used many moons ago)
courtesy AETNA Medicare Advantra

in tandem with superb

ocular optometrist Doctor Paul Halpern,
that would be an unpaid for plug
touting outstanding kickass knowhow
insync with his offbeat good humor
without making a spectacle of himself.

Many insightful revolutionary breakthroughs
linkedin to gamut of intelligent people,
whose exhaustive mental,
physical and spiritual efforts
witnessed visually impaired
(shortsightedness affected wordsmith
since he entered second grade
at Eagleville Elementary School
circa approximately mid nineteen sixties)
and anticipated him being called
mildly derogatory name four eyes,
thus withheld donning glasses

at the expense of lackluster marks

for that half year, cuz parents moved
to 324 Level Road
initially R(oute) D(elivery)
until Donald Neilson
(if memory serves me
more correctly than spelling
of his surname, and "The Idler Wheel
Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw
and Whipping Cords Will Serve You
More Than Ropes Will Ever Do" by Fiona Apple),

and yesterday November 12th, 2024

happily, proudly, and zealously wears glasses

to see the webbed wide world crystal clear.

Post cataract surgery,
about couple months
after consultation at Kremer Eye Center

and finally came to figurative juncture

whereat (drum roll please...)
prescription adjusted eyeglasses
now sit squarely on my button nose -
as long as I hold them there with a finger
until cosmetic surgeon affixes a bump
on the bridge of said nose


analogous to the song titled
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way

(courtesy Johnny Nash,
who raked in quite a bit of cash)

to drive our 2020 Hyundai Elantra
after dark shadows slink and slither
along the edge of night
encompassing an ever widening berth,
where the outer limits

meld with swathes of the twilight zone.


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