bulldognation44267 | Poetry Vibe
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Rants - Tracker Jacker (Comedic)


just different

Views: 364

 I walked down the street and I was a stung by a bee
In between my thigh and my knee
I said bee why did you come at me?
He said Keith weren't you trying to jip me of my honey?
I said nah bee, I was collecting money
Going home to eat and fill my tummy
With a recipe yummy.
He said you are going to see some things
I contain a venomous solution
In the syringe of my tail, is a hallucinogen.
Scientists genetically engineered me.
I said sweet, I feel like being inebriated
Lets celebrate it bee, ill bring the peanut butter in a jiffy
Damn skippy, extra creamy and we can shoot jimmy
Bean and chill a bit for the rest of your leave.

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