Bust Back Dont ever think that the world is piling things on top of you. You always have to remember two things, the first is that you are enough and the second is that you are the mountain. The world is constantly looking for direction from you. There is strength even in your doubts.
How hard is this for you to believe when it looks like the only thing in front of you is limitations. There is more to the world than that and in truth there is more to you than what you touch, taste, see and hear.
Just dont give up. Its time for you to bust back and use your greatest weapon, your spirituality.
Popular Being Poor I think somewhere along the way we made it cool to be poor. You could see that nothing really stopped us from showing each other love and having a good time. We can have a good time with the gas tank on E and still not have a care in the world.
I dont know.
Something about that aint right.
Climate Change The climate changed, she is not here anymore. She is all around us and we were always looking for her. I love you mom.
White House Right now I am living in a white house and based on the blemishes on my face, I have seen enough white one just to survive one term paper. Because thats all this term is about, paper. Anybody seeing it for much more than it is doesnt have a clue and if the shoe fits, that means you too.
I saw past the bulls*it, I have x-ray vision to not let my life be moved by those decisions and to take the world for what it is. Im exercising my free will and this pill I am going to swallow is a GULP GULP with water but the bucket.
And you know what, f*ck it. Im all in. In it to win it and all of that.
Kittens in Baskets The epitome of life of what it really takes to put all of this together. Its like keeping kittens in baskets and all for their greater good. Instead there you go, you a goof ball with loose drawls and still not watching where you point that thing. Fire, fire, aim and you and I are caught in the flame.
How you gone bring justice to the justice league when you making decisions on being heartbroken, your speech slurred and then I heard you were all in and aint even step out the box yet.
I have regrets, none that I will be able to live down. Thats a good thing too, Im moving up in the world so you can stay out the box kitten.
Backbreaker This life has been a backbreaker. I feel like the Undertaker, for my wrestling fans you know exactly what I am talking about. My back was broken but not my resolve, I was toughened up and looked at the world from a different perspective. I was in the drivers seat and had no control of what was happening around me.
That is just the way I like it. I am in control of my own destiny and I get to choose my destination. I can do everything write and still get a bad result but at the end of the day, I still choose.
You have the power to choose so make sure you choose wisely.
Hands Bound My hands were bound but my spirit is free. I am glorified in how he died. I want the world to know that I believe in him. I am not swayed by the earthly and move forward in a spirit of faith.
There has been an aura that has been trying to install a spirit of fear and I dont know how else to say that this. I just dont care. I am not even at the opposite of love. I really just dont care because all things are possible through faith.
Cant Embrace God You should have no sympathy for a man that cant embrace God. Even in his darkest times, he relies on his knowledge and the limit of what he knows. He believes that his own true power lies in his hands and heart, which at this point are twisted mangled pieces carved in pourous wood with imperfections within imperfections.
God would have shown him the way but he refused to ask.
His fate is Gods and he still hasnt realized that.
Night and Day He and I are like night and day, the only way for me to shine is for him to get out of the way. My move must be slow and silent, like a passing wind in the desert. I rid myself of him and dire straits until I meet my next enemy.
Bring The Noise Im lifted and gifted and oh yeah, surrounded by noise. I hear the world inching its way around me and all the time trying to figure out what my weaknesses are. I maintain my strength and stay steadfast in this world, vibrating at all time highs and living just the same.
Who is to blame?
Life was breathed into me and I in turn breathed back. I love this gift and deplore the grift of something so precious.
Boom. boom. boom.