The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


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lightness in the dark
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just different

Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 404

Activism is my muse
fighting lights my fuse
I am determine to fight
and not lose

Atavist from the start
Philanthropist from the heart
Like death I'm a reaper too
I'll reap a harvest when I'm through

I fight for reason
to not fight is treason

Joshua and Celeb
came to the promise sight
God's command was


Slaying giants
with nothing but sword in hand
Blood took the land

Don't sleep cause it's night
Stay up and fight for what’s right
It does not matter if they turn off the lights
light a candle and continue to fight

Be not afraid to fall in the mud
hold your banner high stained with blood

The battle is for her
her name is Freedom known as Lady Liberty
throughout the walls of confinement
she speaks

Her voice cries out to
every Country
every Nation
every Station
Every generation

She will not be silent
when she claps thunder roars
she break through locks
and captivities doors

I die for her
I die for my love Freedom
with every breath I take I die
for Freedom's sake

I walked through fire
wings took me higher
death couldn’t hold me
just unrobed me
stand bare smoke in my hair

I will not sleep
I will aim high
I will shoot
I will not miss
I was born for this

not born to just take up space
born to spit in injustice face

 2009 © WIZE DOM    





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