love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 210700
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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  double ruby
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Total poems - 365 days   132

Books Written By Poet

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Glass House



Views: 79

I keep throwing rocks from the glass house. I still havent learned my lesson yet. I dont think my ego is strong enough to make it to the end of that journey. That requires faith and I have been exposed to too many things that fell outside the word of God. I was in a spiral of my own design and intertwined in that endeavor was my ego. I was giving it too much room to breathe and I should have just choked it out. 

Left it gasping for air or whatever it was holding on to. I was a willing participant in my own demise and at once I could win if I could just close my eyes.

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