Denial I feel like we look really good together, whenever I’m not in the picture.
A titanic love story remixed to where Jack drowns in liquor.
But yet I smile……
because seeing the smiles, fun, and laughs from afar
look better than the pain and suffering we’ve sketched into each others hearts.
I’ll always be the best bad decision that you ever made
I never played but,
Bad decisions made with good intentions are still bad decisions.
Shooting shots with no precision
Causing Head on collisions
heart to heart catastrophes.
I’m not happy with what I see....
I can’t be, As long as it occurs without me.
But I accept my place
With a little grace
And a promise that I’ll never love another ... |
No Coffee on Fridays A grueling battle not for the faint of heart,
from sun up to sun down we engage in mankind’s oldest art.
Armed with intelligence and coated in armor crafted with wisdom and perseverance…we fight.
in broad daylight,
we fight for all the world to see,
and by night we strategize during the time they choose to sleep.
all because we know that…
proper planning provides the only possible ploy capable of pulverizing potentially permanent patterns of perverseness perpetrated by our youth.
when the incompetent lead the illiterate in an ill-advised and impractical battle of wits with intent on intimidating us into submission…….
we laugh,
because, it’s no more than a slight inconvenience.
most of the time….
But right now….
we are tired,
<... |
Love at First Bite I ***ed you....
in my head the whole ride home.
Enthralled with your body,
Tactical tongue expedition searching for the sweet spots that make you whisper my name.
I arrived home.
Then I came.
One bite,
Followed by a cataleptic style orgasm
Filling you with prodigious amounts of me.
Love never tasted so good....
When I heard...
The way to a mans heart is through his stomach,
I couldn’t stomach the idea of even being infatuated with a woman just because she could cook.
Until now....
Before the remnants from the last spoonful of your love touched down to curb my appetite
I knew,
I’d see you again tomorrow.
That unforgettable taste tap danced on my tastebuds all night.
Wet dreams that formed in my head seeped out through the mouth after every imaginary bite.
Tossed and turned while suf... |
(B)eat It Ft.Leek If she's talking like she doesn't want to...she probably don't,
Or she wants me to chase her...but I probably won't.
At least not for long,
I never was a long distance runner....I get tired too fast.
"Stamina not strong enough to chase cats,
I stopped being a dog a long time ago.
Regressed into a lesser being but more savage form.
Stopped cat calling and chasing tail,
Started howling at the moon with alphas and became more aware."
More aware of what lies ahead rather than what floats beneath the feet that I've planted in the wrong direction time and time again.
Time and time again,
I've wasted time on things that quickly end,
But never again...
... |
W.C.W I've heard that love is a choice,
But who would choose this gut wrenching, heart stopping feeling consistently.
Every day posting Facebook statuses about you that you refuse to put forth the effort to like.
It's like spinning my wheels in quicksand,
The harder I fight, the more I sink.
Yet I continue to like, like, like & Love every post that you make.
I stare at every picture you post with my heart eye emoji’s,
And when you go live I can't help but watch the entire stream.
Yesterday I felt like you smiled at me....
I captured a screenshot....
I'll show it to the world when I post it on Instagram for woman crush Wednesday.
Hashtag fine!
Hashtag Mine!
Hashtag she doesn't know but she will in due time.
Then my throwback for Thursday will be a picture of me and my ex.
It'll have some wise quote about l... |
The Road to Recovery It was only after careful consideration that I convinced myself to
slide into her Dm's and drop my seed of admiration.
She was the most beautiful melanin creation I had ever seen,
Asthma attacks breakout all over every room she enters from men
and women alike.
Breathtaking & deadly, she is able to bring even angels to their
She was, is, and forever will be one of God's greatest
Fantasizing while waiting on her response,
Salivating and anticipating the quiet storm formed with the clash
of my thunder and her lightning.
Biting my lip as the three dots pop up to tell me she is typing.
My Brain is yelling at my heart to chill because it's doing the
Then I got a new message from princesspetty92 with just one
Guess its time for a new platform...Follow me on Twitter @BrageeTwoRhymez
Chances Pt.3 (Timeless Book) When your eyes are’s dark.
When your eyes are closed and you're swallowed up by the shadows of're in hell.
Just burning and praying that it's a nightmare you can wake up from.
Nowhere left to run,
I have dreamed my way into a nightmare and my nightmare has transformed into reality.
Open my eyes to find the son of chaos choking the life out of me.
I can't breathe.
I can't speak.
Oxygen leaving my body so fast it's getting hard to think.
Can't blink,
Because if I do I may not ever open my eyes again.
One last look across the room to see her face.
She's still breathing.
I can’t help but force a smile.
Everyone wants to win but sometimes you have to accept defeat,
Closed my eyes & prepared myself, but that's when the grip around my neck released.
He ... |
Chances Pt.2 (Timeless Book) I was once asked what motivates me more, being successful or fear?
What I just found out is that they both feel the same when the end is near.
Lying on my back thinking about how it wasn't supposed to end this way,
It was supposed to be a clean in and out, live to see another day.
Maybe the day has come for me to accept the fact that I've run out of grace,
But then...... I thought about her face.....
I struggled to my feet knowing I had to get the job done.
Stumbled forward a few steps then I started to run,
And when I looked back and saw him flying out the door the fear I felt made me speed up even more.
But I lost him...
Back at the car blood leaking from my chest and my mouth.
My heart's crying for a doctor but I don't have time, I’ve go to get to the second house.
In and out of a daze,
Changing lanes and running red lights. |
Chance Pt.1 (Timeless Book) Get it by any means,
I developed that mindset when I first started chasing my dreams,
But dreams often become nightmares,
And when you're living in a nightmare you learn to be a killer.
You have to do what you have to do to survive, & you can’t give a damn if it's wrong,
Because nobody gives a damn about a man once he's dead and gone.
So take chances,
Go for the high risk,
At least that's what I tell myself while I lace up my kicks.
Steel toe boots, I'm going through the front door tonight.
I'm handling this mission solo since I know it's not right.
Parked down the street and walked up to the house,
Knocked three times just to see if anyone would come out.
So I knocked the door down flat with just one heavy kick,
Ran inside and started scanning the room real quick.
NOTHING..... |
Independence Day...for some of us Beers for breakfast when your brain is battered from battling being black in America.
Blunts for lunch when you're celebrating survival halfway through the day because you could've been killed or thrown in jail.
Depression for dinner with a side of self hatred for dessert because you feel like it shouldn't be this way.
Sleep because its the only way to maintain sanity between battles...
If only they'd stoppopping those damn fireworks...
Happy 4th of July