Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 334

My heart is full of deception
Since the day of my birth and conception
When brought forth to this earth
I already had a distorted perception!

That most people are evil and deceiving
Mostly broken hearts
Is what in my life I’ve been receiving!

Being the deceiver
Then being the receiver of such lies
Hurtful lies that bring tears to your eyes
Ignoring the bonds that ties
While defaming characters
To make more invisible souls cry.

What’s not divisible
Unable to be divided
Is when you’re so ignorant
That you’re forever blind sided
The truth in my heart
Was never confided

My bridle
Was a wave that which was tidal
My bride had died the moment I cried
So I deified self full of hatred & loathing
Uncloaked this dagger
Then placed upon myself
Some transparent clothing

Like the king who wore none
And then walked in the parade naked
Trod bare, under the sun
I am bare to the world
As I speak my soul through electronic manifestations
Without hesitation
I speak forth a kind of legislation
Rules & principles
That I now must abide by
When I died
I cried why!
I could no longer defy
The lie
Of a God up on high
So I had to self rely

And much pain internalize
While I tried to self stabilize

By written codes of old
Speaking pompous and bold
Never do what I’m told
For that
I’ve always been scold

For life upon itself
Is scrolled up and folded

A man nearly thirty five years old
Of age
Ready to turn my life’s page
Never been able to let go of my deceptive type rage
So I set my own stage

To take what is desired
For that which
I’m connected and wired
Like cable fiber SIN-optiks
Using words to reach your optics
Using words to be logical

Logically placed on the screen
So you better learn what I mean
Understand my soul
Is stuck in a dream
Although my deceptive nature
Wants you to be stuck in a scheme

So here I shall remain
A small portion of distortion
Replacing your grammatical abortion
Blowing up truths way out of proportion

So in my words humor you can find
Some words are written specifically for the blind
Others are written to make you confined
And then there are others
That are written to make you sublime
But it seems to be a crime
For us to speak of our prime

So this is my last moment in time
To speak a lie in a rhyme
There goes my deception yet again
It may occur at any moment
And you’ll never know when!


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