ts735bSTUDENT10pinz! | Poetry Vibe
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Inauguration Day 2025 - Monday, January 20, 2025, 12:00?PM


just different

Views: 81

Aforementioned event interestingly enough
coincides with Martin Luther King Junior day.

The late reverend American minister and activist,
now and forever more immortalized in the promised land
despite his work among the living left incomplete,
this day eclipsed by commencement
of the forty seventh president of the United States.

Founding fathers graves housing their lovely bones
will rattle and hum with inaudible soundcloud
insync with the shuddering ghost of George Washington
appalled at the chain of events
culminating with MAGA
"Make America Great Again" (MAGA),
an American political slogan and political movement
most recently popularized by Donald Trump
during his successful
presidential campaigns in 2016 and in 2024.

Thus, for all ye Democrats,
who fervently did pray,
and bet their bottom dollar
on a political candidate analogous
to character as popular as Don Quixote
now is the time for a coup d'état.

Meanwhile Donald Trump assiduously, craftily,
emphatically validates imperial lad etude
conducting all business at his resort
and National Historic Landmark
in Palm Beach, Florida
Mar-a-Lago (/?m??r ? ?l???o?/

MAR ? LAH-goh, Spanish:

[?ma? a ?la?o] unlimited stay away
from the White House for warranted vacation,
while Elon Musk takes
over the reins in Washington D.C.

While voluntarily holed up underground
in the sunshine state,
where secret service men and women
strategically and surreptitiously situated
giving the commander in chief
ample time to brood
about broad ways and means to update
well worn script dogeared chewed
“Art Of The Deal” playbook (his Bible,
he devoutly follows),
he will dictate, ruminate how populace
can be royally screwed,
especially the downtrodden,
indigent meager wage earners,
or those receiving social security disability
(such as this sexagenarian dude) -
he might be privately practice
acting roles where
mighty kings of yore did exude
totalitarian writs made manifest –
tacked as placards on store fronts
of frequented habitués –
nailed (rather crucified) or super glued
(upon the grateful dead)
summoning the huddling
footing, and castrated masses
of tyrannized uber vacuous wimps.

His bulletproof and titanium doppelganger

helps him to maximize hiatus

videre licet “FAKE” president

corralling secular or spiritual support

of Saints Matthew Scott and Judas Thaddeus

the former urbane, suave,
and quintessentially obliging
versus the latter whose behavior
tends to be noxiously and pruriently rude,
thus Crowdsource via Instagram in tandem

with Snapchat ephemeral images multi hued.


Hence now whiz the moment

to seize the mantle of self government

cue the Mohorovi?i? discontinuity.


Poetic call to justice intended

to engender a quid pro quo active mood

foment peaceful congregations

to rise up and trigger insurrection

of peoples whether well dressed or nude,
whereby spokespersons will share
the dais (and dice throw)
donning a Taj Mahal shaped hood
communicating, formulating
and graduating democratic ideals
encompassing persons
from all walks of life allow, enable
and provide any necessary ivory “soap box”
expressed opinion that hopefully
doth generate a healthy banter,
disagreement or fundraising
from polemics, whereby
any radical point of view,
I will not EXCLUDE!

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Newpanther says:

I now understand what MAGA truly means... The time in America when rich white landowners were in charge of everything, women were afterthoughts, and blacks, although born in America, were considered 3/5 of a human being... We're on that road to MAGA again...

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