ts735bSTUDENT10pinz! | Poetry Vibe
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Baneful Brickbats Begat Grievous Barrier



Views: 50

Traces of the masterful
impregnable prepubescent wall

still extant scads of decades since
complex edifice erected to force tall
permanently leaving me unmoored,
marooned, and furloughed ready for pall
bearers to spill soil upon my
then emaciated stick figure overall,

an unlovely bag of bones
stripped of flesh,
sans unseen deadly parasites,
who valiantly tried to mothball,
and nearly succeeded, kneaded,
and deeded landfall,

when aghast parents
at wits end betiding,

halting, and ramming ace kickball

player with serious
game of life and death,
the latter cleated toehold
unanimous decision to install

topnotch scorer anticipating
seeing his name plaque mounted
within glass encasement within guildhall,

faintly hearing inaudible teammates

praised showered, visited
head upon one, with grit and gall,
who clinched championship
wrathful excoriation against me
referee could not forestall,

who fumbled, kindled (as predicted)
loose tongues flaying hide with no rescue
to escape being skewered behind eight ball,

thus the above "FAKE"
metaphor merely to accentuate

self repudiation delivering
to this defacto scapegoat
bullies taunts endlessly berate
ting, jackknifing, and resulting
with implacable self hate

deferrening allowance,

asper my grant (migrant)
humph...pariah status
to learn social skills quite late,

and apathetically to marry and mate

despite ambivalence within my pate

even now...the entombed fortress prison wall,
I cannot obliterate
hence... no surprise WALLS - I HATE!

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