Newpanther | Poetry Vibe
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Soul Food For Lunch (Brother Malcolm Turns 100)



Views: 85

she told me
she was only nineteen
maybe twentyish
simply having a quick Sunday afternoon soul food lunch with the girls
booth by the window 
a view of Lennox Ave
optimal place to people-watch on a Sunday afternoon
and maybe catch a look from a handsome young gent outside
who would smile
come inside for a proper introduction 
an invitation to a Saturday movie matinee 
or leisurely stroll uptown in Central Park
that's what she told me was on her mind
while she was simply having a quick Sunday afternoon soul food lunch with the girls

she didn't see him enter from the 125th street side
well dressed
well groomed
well spoken
but he caught her eye
she didn't catch his
the lunch counter heads turned in perfect synchronization
as three men in black walked before him
three men in black walking behind 
surrounding the booth right next to her
he finally caught her eye
approached her while she was 
simply having a quick Sunday afternoon soul food lunch with the girls
his smile was warm
like the peach cobbler she half finished
bending down slowly
like a strong willow tree obeying a slight August breeze
simple greeting them
asking how was their day
a gentle handshake
an gentle smile
and he gently walked away

she told me
that afternoon so long ago
she was only nineteen
maybe twentyish
but now not too far away from ninety years
remembering the day
as if a moment earlier
she had just dabbed away the remnants of cornbread crumbs
fried whiting
and a chocolate shake
simply having a quick Sunday afternoon soul food lunch with the girls
each one of them
no longer here to remember with her
that tall
well dressed
well groomed
well spoken man
who also ordered the fried whiting and grits
because she remembered telling him
after daintily dabbing the corners of her mouth
that it was delicious


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