love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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I Wish You Knew



Views: 85

I wish you knew the sacrifices you had to make to get here, you really step in and out of some sh*t. You rocked this life and yet it always has more to ask of you and really why not you. You have always been leading the charge and this time is no different. Are you ready to step up?

What am I even asking you for, of course you are ready. There is no looking back at this point. Truth be told, I am proud of you. You stood tall and continue to stand tall and so there are no mistakes I am talking to you, yes you. 

Thank you for all you have done but you still have some ways to go. Move forward.

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The Immortal Wize says:

Reciting this in front of a mirror three times a day will definitely change one's life . Continue to motivate.

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