at approximately
a painfully early o'clock in the morning
give or take an o'clock
found yours truly (me) amassing
line after line of a poem
crazily coalescing courtesy
an extraordinary unfamiliar phenomena
while living social within alien nation,
said mental and physical explosion
vis a vis fast flexing
handy dandy appendages
creating satisfactory verse in their wake
materialized into an unexpected
pièce de résistance,
which brilliant tour de force
quickly set the keyboard a smokin hot
as fingers ripped across qwerty keyboard
buzzfeeding outrageously madly
(like the Flying Wallenda's
tearing thru empty space
while free falling into a net below
after leaping off a tightrope wire)
meanwhile analogous to yours truly,
a dumbfounded Schwenksville scribe
wrought demonstrable artifice
deftly driving his dogged digits
flashing thumbs up sign
videre licet proving preternatural realm accessible,
though usually reserved
for the fastest fiendish folksy fuddy duddy
envisioning himself jumping jack flash in the pan
golden sexagenarian oozing
nuggets of wisdom while searching
for a shortcut to instant riches
while waiting for his ship to come in
(waiting for a significant opportunity
or sudden windfall of wealth to arrive),
who meanwhile sits right here
within Highland Manor apartment b44 man cave
creating frivolous, idiotic, loopy, outré rubbish
(suddenly prompting an unsuspecting reader
to ponder the meaning of purpose driven life
and why in tarnation - without feathers
declaring out loud "how in the name of Sam Hill
can a wordsmith count him/herself talented"
spewing forth such nonsensical utter drivel)
unbeknownst to said captive audience of mine,
that somehow somewhere over the rainbow
perturbation within the atmosphere
such repugnant uber trashy vapid warbling
nevertheless affects the butterfly effect,
whereat (perhaps at a Synagogue
within Brooklyn, New York)
a highly religious Lubavitcher
flips pages of Torah
(analogous to shuffling a deck of cards)
sets an all time record breaking speed reading record
unfortunately no Guiness world authority
such as Norris, the one surviving
identical twin McWhirter brother,
(cuz Ross got Assassinated: November 27, 1975)
not present to notate how accomplish feat
declared fait accompli courtesy unofficial judges
while friction fueled fleshy fingertips
of ultra religious, pious,... industrious,
glorious, envious, cautious, ambitious
blitzed away a mile a minute,
outstripping the umbrella flying Mary Poppins
faster than you can say
(nothing visible but a blinding blur
of fast moving fingers)
just barely keeping up appearances,
but not the Kardashians
with the crème de la crème
of nonpareil uber
trumpeting skedaddling rip-snorting,
quick as greased lightning typists
giving me id est Speedy Gonzales
a run for his pesos
(this side of Schwenksville),
when deluge of totally tubular
unrelated events simultaneously synchronize
whence above mentioned phenomena
induce smoldering spark
that inexplicably triggers thermonuclear war
and mushroom clouds
closely resembling the president
of the United States
and his sidekick Elon Musk.