when I'm mad I act bad when I'm angry I'm really mad I never let up I never get fed up apply the pressure how long I can't measure how long it's been since I put down the pen dually noted The Sin Of A Poet written in the dark looking at a spark from afar miles apart on my soul the glow is too much to behold furious to the point of raging out of control the weight too heavy too hold enough unnecessary cargo to sink the ship time to unload the clip finger on a loose trigger oops it slipped like words through loose lips spoken out of turn spin the block but don't step on the square you see me standing there ready to square up don't get my dander up I swear it makes me dangerous murder in fact or fiction depending on the condition on mission never ask for permission to make a incision its like making a decision to cut or gut a mofo from a** hole to appetite write or type in black on white frustrated to the point I'll do that all night