you can't understand the long colored braids
the big hoop earrings
the mascaca covered eyelashes
poppin a$$ lipgloss
eyeshadow to match
you had the nerve to ask me
who asked me are those extentions cause "who on earth would color their real hair like that"?
you said thank God it was extentions
i thank GOD for another reason
he gave me this flair and made me black
i don't care that you don't understand the aestheic
just give respect
as i flip my hair
while rollin my neck
using my hands when talkin
its not for you to understand
when i see someone who is similar to me
i nod my head
giving them the unspoken notion that i see them no matter how they see us
they dont want us here
they now we are here to stay
we're invited to spaces they dont want us in