love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Kittens in Baskets



Views: 35

The epitome of life of what it really takes to put all of this together. Its like keeping kittens in baskets and all for their greater good. Instead there you go, you a goof ball with loose drawls and still not watching where you point that thing. Fire, fire, aim and you and I are caught in the flame. 

How you gone bring justice to the justice league when you making decisions on being heartbroken, your speech slurred and then I heard you were all in and aint even step out the box yet. 

I have regrets, none that I will be able to live down. Thats a good thing too, Im moving up in the world so you can stay out the box kitten.


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