WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Why all the angst and regret?



Views: 21

Reality is nonsense

It feels like January 6th

But somehow we’re all Mike Pence!

But they ain’t storming the capital (no, no)

The government and media are spewing lies instead of reporting what’s factual…

Firing federal workers and teachers?

Fans in the stands threatening athletes from the bleachers?

'Shut up and dribble,' but you call yourselves fans?

You called him a (again), so he rushed up into the stands!

You 5’8” dummy, he’s a foot taller than you!

Your neck’s in his hands and you can’t breathe, so now what you gonna do?

We're in the age, when misplaced rage just might get your a$$ kicked!

All that money and security is just an illusion, my conclusion, just don’t be a !

Why in the hell are y’all so upset? (Anyway)

Your ancestors weren’t enslaved for centuries, so why all the angst and regret?

Absolute power corrupted absolutely in the past

Today, the world is smaller, so there’s fewer places to hide, and time moves too fast!

You may think that you’re untouchable and somehow God spared you from wrath...

Let them eat cake?  More like off with his head!

If we don’t fix things soon, it might cost $100 just for a loaf of some bread!

Take a look ahead, down that low ‘gold’ road

Do the math, hell is where your path leads, I forebode…

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