I’m reading your letters
They get me through stormy weather
I hate the word
If I could trust it we would be together
When you brought your letters to a close
You signed them
I have a bitter taste in my mouth
Not even something sweet can get it out
I sit stare and pout
Trying to figure this sheet out
I had that dream again
The one I hope never comes true
The one when I’m strangling you
The whole towns laughing because I’m the fool
I’m still holding on to you
Yes its true you never said to let go did you ?
If I let go I know I’ll fall down
Like Jack I’ll break my crown
Unlike Jill you won’t come tumbling after
You would be over whelmed with laugher
If I kill you I kill me
If you die surely I’ll die too
You jacked my heart
I don’t have one to ask for it back
I sit and I watch STAPPED
You ever see it before?
It’s about jilted lovers quarrels
Affairs of the heart and crimes of passion
In my defense I JUST SNAPPED
Love couldn’t bring me back
When she smiled at me in the arms of another
On my face I felt a slap
I went too far and could not come back
She broke me in two and I SNAPPED
I hold it all within I mutilate you with my pen
to escape the walls of the state pen